Sunday, April 15, 2012

Amichai Jerusalem

the most powerful lines that go with this poem i would say are the last two, lines14 and 15. they read "to make us think that they are happy. to make them think that they are happy." this is a very deep thing to say about people in the middle east. it is discribing the pyrric victory that comes with living there. these people are getting the land that they have been fighting over for centuries but the amount of people who are still dying for this land make it pointless. why would someone need a country if there are no people to put in the country? the flags that each side puts up are simply a facade so that the world won't know the difference. these are a proud people who don't want the world to know that they are hurting and they would rather solve their problems on their own. Because God knows how quickly a certain country would be over there once they started asking for help.

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